Originally Posted by chickenonsteroids
Yes! We get invited to a party that we have to stay in and we'll be forced to enjoy it. /sarcasm
The more I think about it, the more I think it doesn't sound like bliss at all. Eternity is a very very very very long time.
Didn't god create satan? Shouldn't he have some of the blame... given the fact that he created evil. (unless satan was always there meaning god didn't create everything)
The Earth is going to be gone some day, and the only places left to go will be Heaven or hell. Can you honestly say that you'd rather choose hell and suffer/be in unimaginable pain/regret every second for the rest of eternity (the bible describes hell that way) just so you don't have to worship God and don't "have to" be happy all the time? If so, that's not something I can change your mind about....but please know that once we get to Heaven, we aren't going to feel any unfullfilled desires or feel like we are bored or forced to be happy. It is going to be a constant overwhelming joy that only increases and doesn't fade or get boring/repetative.
Did got create satan? I think so. Is God all-knowing? Yes. So why didn't He stop satan from doing all this evil? I personally think it's because if God wouldn't have truly given Adam and Eve the choice to choose evil, they couldn't have truly chosen to love Him. The bible is very clear that love is a choice, so if evil didn't exist, we wouldn't have the choice to choose anything bad, so we couldn't choose to love God instead- we would just be mindless robots who do what God says because we have no other option. That wouldn't be love, and God wants us to be able to truly love Him.
Originally Posted by Tapanga Paige
So I'm going to be punished by a diety I don't believe exists for "sin" that only exists if I believe if I believe in said diety? How can I be punished by a God I don't believe is real? This concept sounds like paying for childcare if you don't have a child. One question I have about this is if God is so loving and forgiving why send everyone to suffer for all eternity in the first place?
Sin doesn't only exist if you believe that it does. Something has to either exist for everybody or not exist for anybody- our minds don't change the existance of something. If you were driving and you believed that the speed limit was 200 mph, that wouldn't change the fact that it was really 40 and you'd still get pulled over and get consiquences whether you believe that you went over the speed limit or not. It's the same with God's law; you get the consiquences whether you believe that the law is real or not.
God is forgiving, but forgiveness is a gift. Just like with any gift, we have to accept it. If someone tries to give you a birthday gift and you say "no thanks" and walk away, you don't get the gift, right? They're most likely not going to hold you down and force you to take the gift, but they'll still be there offering it if you change your mind and come back to get it. That's how it is with God's gift of forgiveness. He wants you to accept Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to pay the punishment for your sins to save you and forgive you once and for all, but He's not going to force you to.