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Re: Do you have a Learning Disability? -
February 19th 2012, 02:37 AM
I'm very much in the same boat as you. I can't do basic multiplication, it takes me ages to make simple change with cash, and I depend on a calculator for anything math related. I still count on my fingers, I can't do simple addition, etc. There are a lot of reasons behind the why and it's different for everyone.
And there is nothing wrong with relying on a calculator, given that in the "real world", you have all ability to use one when needed. During high school and for some tests like the SAT's, you may not be able to use one, but beyond that it'll be available.
The best advice I can give is to embrace it and be willing to use resources and don't EVER let anyone tell you that you can't do something because of a learning disability. I've turned it into a strength instead of something I put myself down about, there isn't a point. I'm learning disabled and people will just have to deal with it.
I was told I wouldn't graduate high school -- and I'm currently pursuing a Master's degree and graduated with Honors in Psychology. If you want to do it and work hard, you can. =)