Originally Posted by ~Mr. Self Destruct~
Sounds about as probable as the Pink Invisible Unicorn.
Plus I've never heard that, not even from a Christian.
If "faith" is allegedly objective and administered by a deity so that people will believe in him, explain the existence if people like me.
I'm actually going to have to correct myself on my first statement and do more research first. I jut re-read the verse that I use to say that God gives us faith, but when I read it, it didn't say exactly what I thought it said. I'm not saying I'm wrong, but I'm saying that I need to do more research to make sure I'm not wrong before I continue preaching that. I'll get back to you.
Either way, I know for fact that children can get and have gotten saved even when people tell them that God isn't real. I've seen it happen. It doesn't mean that will always happen, but it definitely does sometimes.