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kissfromarose Offline
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Name: Amy
Age: 30
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Angry My little brother is being bullied - February 14th 2012, 11:36 PM

As the title said one of my little brothers is being bullied. He's 15 and though small for his age seemed fine till a year ago. Then I noticed bruises on his arms and legs. He said he got them when playing rugby and football. He became withdrawn and stayed in all the time. He prefers to confide in me as opposed to my parents so when he finally admited he was being bullied I was so relieved to finally know what was wrong. I picked him up from school a couple of times to see if my presence would deter the bullies. It did. They said and did nothing when I was there. Unfortunately I have college and work so can't realistically do this every day. I eventually convinced him to speak to my parents and a letter was sent to the school. The bullies had to write apology letters and their parents were informed.

Despite this my brothers behaviour has spiralled out of control. He's either ranting at me or ignoring everything with his headphones in. He comes out with the family but will run and hide in shops if he sees anyone from his school. Even dragging me with him so no one sees me. I tried to speak to him over and over but he won't say anything. My parents and me sat down to chat about it and they decided it was best that I speak to him because he is more likely to listen to me and open up. This plan backfired slightly when he told me the bullying was much much worse now and more widespread with groups of people doing it instead of just one or two people. But after that I thanked him for speaking to me finally and reached out to hug him. He then slapped me round the face so hard I was knocked off my feet. He screamed that he hated me and I left the room. I know he is lashing out because he's hurting and confused but how can I help him? I suggest lots of options including councelling but he doesn't want to hear it. I have other brothers younger than him and I am terrified he will hurt them. My parents are doing their best but they don't know what else to do now either.

Any advice will be gratefully recieved.


Being Shy Isn't Weak. Being Shy Is Unique.