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Name: Julia
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Re: Best friend cuts. -
February 9th 2012, 04:11 AM
I'm sorry babe=( I've been through the same thing. Actually, i'm going through the same thing right now, BEEN going through it. I know how hard it is to see someone you love suffer like that. For 3 years, i've been trying to help my friend. It took SO much out of me to tell about her SH and her wanting to commit suicide. The morning before I told, I was histerical telling my mom I couldn't do it and when mom asked why I said "Kellie's gonna kill herself!!" and just cried more. It hurts terribly and it hurts even more because you want so much for them not to face that kind of pain. I've tried everything to constantly make her happy. I spoil her with presents, I send her funny pictures, I write her long messages just telling her im here and I love her, but she hasn't gotten better. At least from what i've seen. I went in recently again to talk about her cutting and the counceler said that this is a long process and even when someone is getting help for it, it could take a very long time for it to go into effect. With all this said, I DO think you should tell about your best friend. Tell mom and dad, a teacher, or a counceler. Please, coming from past experiences, telling is HUGELY important. You are holding their life in your hand. You may just be saving them, especially if he's thinking a lot about suicide. This is the BEST thing you can do for him right now hun. Other than that, just do what I do for my friend. Keep trying to make him as happy as you can and always let him know that you are there and you love him. That means so much for them to know they have someone who cares. And SM13 is VERY right and gave you some of the best advice ever, don't give up on him. Giving up on him is prob the worst you could do. Always be there, no matter how difficult. It is helping him to have you, even if it doesn't seem like it. You are an amazing friend babe, really you are. If you ever want to talk, I am here=)