Originally Posted by udontno
When my grandmother finds out, how do I stop her from pestering the hell out of me about her pregnancy, Tommy, and the new baby?
When your grandmother finds out, don't let her pester you. If she tries, and she keeps asking, tell her you don't feel comfortable telling her personal information of your Aunt's and she needs to talk to her. Or you could lie and say you don't know anything. You don't have to tell her.
Originally Posted by udontno
Also, I'm very crafty and I love new babies. How do I keep Dalton from getting jealous of all the gifts? I could make something for him, but I really don't know what to make for him. I guess I'll need to purchase him something every time that I give my aunt whatever I have recently finished in order to pacify him.
Dalton is going to have to realize that he will no longer be the only child. He can't get something every time the baby does, it isn't realistic. Explain to him that it is time for the baby to receive new things and not his. Maybe make or buy him something the *first* time but in no means does he need to get something every time. He won't be an only child anymore and he'll need to get over it.
Originally Posted by udontno
Also, when my aunt goes to find out the sex of the baby they are going to give her a DVD that shows her baby moving around as well as ultra sound pictures. Has anyone ever seen one of those DVDs? It is either in 3D or 4D, I've forgotten which, but it sounds like it would be pretty interesting to watch. She's talked about giving one to my grandmother as a way to tell her, but she wouldn't have a clue how to watch it.
I've never seen one of the DVDs but I know someone who has. I don't remember if it's in 3D or 4D either, though. I wouldn't give one as a way to tell your grandmother. I'd have your Aunt sit down and tell her.