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Harmony♥ Offline
Proud Military Girlfriend
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Name: Shannon
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Re: Is it at all possible I could become pregnant? - February 2nd 2012, 01:33 AM

If he's infertile, that doesn't mean he no longer has sperm. His body still produces sperm, but they cannot fertilize an egg in order for you to get pregnant. Now, since you took Plan B, and I mentioned this in the thread you created in Sex & Puberty, your cycle can be very altered by taking that pill as it has very HIGH levels of hormones in it. It even says clearly in the instructions that it could cause your period to be out of whack. You need to remain calm; another reason for periods to act all weird is the fact that you're worrying about it/stressing over it. Stress can cause your cycle to act strangely too, so you really need to calm down. Since you've taken a pregnancy test that said negative, and then another one that gave you a slight positive, chances are you aren't pregnant. In a few more days, take another test to ease your mind, but a pregnancy test is the only way to know for sure.

I may wear the glass slippers; But my hero wears combat boots <3 I love you, Lieutenant

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