Thread: Lonely
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Re: Lonely - February 1st 2012, 02:09 AM

Originally Posted by Spiderbaby View Post
I would also like to know what kinda things prevent guys from approaching a girl. Like body language, how she looks, etc...
Yeah, those are both factors. Not many guys will approach an ugly girl, but the fact that you aren't being approached doesn't mean that you're ugly. It's also possible to look unwelcoming: if you're taking defensive postures, not smiling enough, that sort of thing. It's also possible that you're hanging out in the wrong places. Approaching cute, single people is more expected in some places than in others, and some people are more likely to approach than others. If you're spending your Friday nights playing Dungeons and Dragons with the Forever Alone types, you're less likely to be approached than if you're out at a party.

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