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  (#42 (permalink)) Old
Tericon Offline
The Waistcoated Wonder
Average Joe
Tericon's Avatar
Name: Nat
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Location: Uk, near Manc

Posts: 184
Points: 11,050, Level: 15
Points: 11,050, Level: 15 Points: 11,050, Level: 15 Points: 11,050, Level: 15
Join Date: February 12th 2009

Re: Where did your username come from? - March 12th 2009, 12:51 PM

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with writing stories and was convinced one day I was going to be a bestseller, I have always had a talent for making up names for charcters and i had a little fantasy obsession so I wanted an odd name to call a dragon and Tericon just came up from the randomness of my brain its also quite unisexish, so it suits me :P I use it everywhere online, sometimes tericon6 is someone has nicked it or i'd forgotten my pass xD

'If you've got the inclination
I have got the crime' - Oppurtunites - PSB <3

'Reel me in and cut my throat' - World- The Killerz <3

When we fall in love, we're just fallin' in love with ourselves... - Spiralling- Keane <3