Originally Posted by LoVeMeHaTeMeBeAutIfUlMe
First, Goddammit I deleted the whole post.
Aww, thanks.
 for you too.
Yes, I do generally tend to think that I'm crazy.
I have no idea what that is, but it's kinda creepin me out. 
It's like Mickey-Mouse and a bearish cat. In pedo form. 
Lastly, I must be as weak as I say I am, because I can't keep myself from doing things that I shouldn't be doing. You know what I'm sayin?

You aren't crazy though, still

And you aren't weak, theres just a lot of things going on right now in your life
Now, I iz thinking of how I'm gonna get through the night without oing anything stupid... :/
Half crying as I type this, have been like this for hours, not as if my mum or anyone else will notice :/