Thread: Triggering (Abuse): Ben Rothlesberger's Rape Case
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Re: Ben Rothlesberger's Rape Case - January 23rd 2012, 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by dr2005 View Post
Having being on the receiving end of a proper strike to the groin area during a Jiu-Jitsu grading, I can assure you that you're in no position to do much of anything in that situation. In any event, the same could just as easily be applied in your example of pulling a gun on them, stun gun or otherwise.
I can assure you, that the confines of a friendly sparring competition and being attacked on the street are two COMPLETELY different things.

Originally Posted by dr2005 View Post
No, but that wasn't what I said and you haven't actually answered my question as to what someone is supposed to do in that situation. By my reckoning, you simply end up with a standoff and it's more likely the attacker will be
Because in most situations, it has been empirically shown that when a stun gun or hand gun is produced by the defendant, the attacker will most likely leave the area. Most instances of a civilian drawing their self defense weapon end without a shot being fired.

If the attacker is also armed, then yes it might be a standoff. But I'd rather have a standoff then be at a disadvantage.

Also, there's no reason to think if the attacker was armed, that he'd have any more experience or training than the armed victim.

Originally Posted by dr2005 View Post
In the real world, opportunities to pick someone off from a distance rarely happen, if at all, and certainly not in instances such as rape and sexual assault. As has already been pointed out, and as you apparently continue to ignore, the vast majority of rapes are carried out by persons known to the victim, usually partners or ex-partners. In those cases, the odds of such an opportunity arising are even more remote. That's why self-defence classes deal with what to do if someone is up close, rather than just saying "get a gun and shoot them"...
You still have a better chance at deterring the situation than if you were unarmed.

Originally Posted by dr2005 View Post
One, it's your opinion and not a fact - fact implies empirical evidence to support it. Two, the alternative is that it leads to escalation and victims being shot themselves before being attacked. Not what I would call an improvement, if I'm honest.
I would rather get shot attempting to defend myself than get raped, if I'm honest. Unless of course you'd like to sit there and say that being raped is a better alternative.

Originally Posted by dr2005 View Post
If it's applied in a blanket fashion, alongside general sex education, you don't need to be able to pick out the potential rapists. The idea is you nip it in the bud before it becomes a problem.
Give me some clearcut, unmistakable examples of a "potential rapist" then.

Often I lie wide awake, thinking of things I could make.
But I don’t seem to have the parts to build them.
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end, for I am not prepared.
I hope I will get the chance to be someone, to be human.