Condom Queen
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Traci
Age: 32
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Join Date: October 29th 2009
Re: Ben Rothlesberger's Rape Case -
January 21st 2012, 11:02 PM
Although a rather broad statistic, between 1.5% and 45% of all rapes that are reported are unfounded.
{Source 1} {Source 2}
Well, uh, seeing that your statistics come from wikipedia, which is just a bujumble of different statistics from different countries, and the other one is a blog that much of their statistics come from over ten years ago, I'm not sure you have a case. Sorry. Also, these are unfounded. That means they weren't necessarily untrue, they were never proven. That means quite a lot of things, from not enough evidence. So even if those statistics are true, what exactly does that prove? Does it prove that they were all lying to get money?
She doesn't have to accept the settlement. If she really was raped, would him paying her really be enough for her? I don't think so.
I assume this is from your experience of being raped. Because I'm so sorry if that happened and I completely understand that if you want court value justice to put your rapist in jail, and that being your personal experience, I'm glad you pursued justice. If not, until you are put in this situation, I think you have very little of the right to say what you wouldn't or wouldn't do. From somebody with experience, I know that you really never want to see this person again, and along with having to deal with months of court dates, having every word that comes out of your mouth being attached by a prosecutor, and having to relive the experience every time you tell your story, very few rape victims ever even report it because it's too much to deal with. Many people often take back their accusations because they don't want to go through with it, these being cast as "untrue," although they really aren't. I don't think these should be in court, but I'm just saying it does not take away from the truth of the actual rape. I'm not even saying she was raped. But I'm giving you a reason why accepting money may just be easier than actually having to go through the full court experience.
If they don't go to court, then how do we know they ever occurred?
Accusations. Also, people have done surveys of people about their experience with sexual assault, and a good amount of people get sexually assaulted and never report it to authorities.
Very few of those who are accused of being a rapist are convicted. There's a huge difference.
No, very few rapists in general. Like I said before, in surveys, they find many go unreported. But as you said, in your own words, very few accused are convicted. That is true as well, Doesn't mean that all the accusations are not true. Sometimes, they do not have enough evidence, which understandably the rapist is not put into jail. But it doesn't take away from the truth value of the rape.
That's before a decision is reached. That's just by being associated and accused of being a rapist, and that is why we need to give them anonymity unless a Guilty verdict is reached.
I agree with you. It should be anonymous until a guilty sentence, to protect the innocence of both the rapist and the rape victim.
I just really don't like victim blaming, and that's what this culture is full of. People are told that if you don't have evidence you were raped, you can't get help. Even if you don't have evidence, you have the right to report it so that you can get the counseling and help that you need. I do not think that we should try to jail people for rape without enough evidence, you must be proven guilty before you are jauled, and I am for that right. But we need to stop making somebody feel guilty because they showered after their rape so it "Really didn't happen" or "You didn't report being raped by your father at six years old? It didn't happen." People need help after they are raped, and that may not mean wanting to see their rapist jailed, it may just mean getting counseling, and if they choose to bring it to court, just because they are only going for a monetary value does automatically mean it didn't happen.
I don't think you have a lot to worry about if you ask consent from your god damn partner.
*All quotes from Cosmo, but I'm terrible at setting up quotes so I just gave up.
something burning?

Last edited by Coffee.; January 21st 2012 at 11:05 PM.
Reason: Friggen styling.