Thread: Triggering (Abuse): Ben Rothlesberger's Rape Case
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Re: Ben Rothlesberger's Rape Case - January 21st 2012, 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by Santa View Post

That's not what I said.... at all? I simply said we shouldn't just automatically disbelieve someone if we think their actions don't make sense. It's hard to understand trauma, as everyone has different reactions to things. No one reaction is "wrong".
I'm sorry but that absolutely is what you said, even if it's not what you believe. By default, the accused is not guilty. it is up to her to prove that she was raped. If she cannot, then you cannot reasonably expect the accused to be considered Guilty unless you are proposing that we either lower the threshold of evidence so that it's very easy to have someone convicted for rape or that they are guilty by default.