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The Dread Pirate Roberts Offline
Keep Walking On
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Name: Agent Dana Scully
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Location: Asgard, but my heart belongs to my home country of Iraw!

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Join Date: July 24th 2009

Re: Song/Quote of the day! - January 19th 2012, 08:25 PM

So what, so I’ve got a smile on me
but it’s hiding the quiet superstitions in my head
Don’t believe me
Don’t believe me
When I say I’ve got it down

Everybody is just a stranger but
that’s the danger in going my own way
I guess it’s the price I have to pay
still “Everything happens for a reason”
is no reason not to ask myself

If your’re living it right
Are you living it right?
Are you living it right?
Why, tell me why
Why, why Georgia why?

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