Originally Posted by asyoulikeit
I've read through this entire thread, and I'm a little disgusted at the personal attacks over a thread that is simply asking for people to state their opinions. Lou and the others weren't "playing a card", they were showing their experience which not everyone has; just like those who liked the game were throwing in their opinions. It adds variety to the debate, which is the point. Name-calling isn't the purpose here.
I'm pretty disgusted about that, too... but you have to remember that if someone resorts to personal attacks at all, then their opinion wasn't worth a damn to begin with. :-)
I even saw Godwin's Law being breached.
While I resentfully agree that the game should not be banned, I'm Pissed that people have allowed it to come to market. I'm not referring to the ethics behind it, I'm referring to the damage that the release will do to most rape victims. I'm fully aware that there are a few rape victims that haven't been scarred by the act, some of the above posters are prime examples of that. And If you aren't a rape victim, then don't even pretend to know how much, or little, damage the mere concept of this game being marketed can have for most rape victims. I don't pretend to know either. But because this thread was not, for a good while, marked as "triggering", I spent most of the day trying to wrench the horrors from my innocent lover's mind.
1 out of every 6 American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).1" -- rainn.org/get-information/statistics/sexual-assault-victims