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forfrosne Offline
I am immortal. So far so good.
I can't get enough
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Name: Matthew
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Re: Song/Quote of the day! - January 15th 2012, 12:59 PM

I'm glad I only have two of these eyes.
If I were to see all the sadness in this world,
I couldn't possibly continue living.
This world is so well made it's sickening.

Yet, people have lost their minds.
They go out of their way and thoroughly fasten their eyes,
On every nook and cranny of this world, and run off at the mouth.
But my hands are full with my own sadness.

If we mustn't see, if I'm past all hope,
Then hurry up and bring a needle and a thread,
So I can cover my eyes, sew them shut.
Show me a summary of everything in the end.

"Today too, I live stealing 99 from 100,
So that 1 can stay 1" you told me.
But I don't remember asking you to tell me this.
Will you just shut up, Ivan the Fool.

From the world's viewpoint, the current you,
No matter what others say about you,
Should rejoice at the fact that there are people even worse off than you.
So I am not even allowed to feel distress about my own sadness.

If we mustn't cry, if I'm past all hope,
You should have cut off my tear glands a long time ago,
At the time of my birth, before cutting off my umbilical cord.
And while you were at it, you should have split my mouth at the corners.

That way even when in pain or sad,
I could laugh as if nothing was wrong.
If you don't do that, I'm sure that
I won't be able to continue being me.

Today too, life supposedly disappears here and there.
Yet, no matter where I walk I don't see any corpses.
There should be a limit to tidiness, really.
What a wonderful world, somehow, for some reason.

I guess you must be really busy.
But Lord, why do you continue doing nothing, your feet planted on a cloud?
Isn't it your duty to scold your children for their pranks?
With valour, take out your fists,
And just do what you want to do.

If we mustn't see, if I'm past all hope,
You should have pasted my eyelids shut.

At the time of my birth, before cutting off my umbilical cord.
And if I still insist on defying you,

Every time I feel happy, feel good,
Knock me down, each time I blink,

If you don't do that, I will end up forgetting,
Because I have only two eyes.

I'm glad I only have two of these ears.
If I were to hear all the screams in this world,
I possibly couldn't breath.
I'm doing the best I can to make myself happy.

the best, the best, the best, the best
the best, the best, the best, the best

If we mustn't see, If we mustn't listen,
When a new life will come into being,

Under our guidance, before cutting off the umbilical cord
All the entrances to this world,

I will close them up for you, I will cover them up for you,
I will protect you,

I will let you escape, so from your eyes,
Tears will never have to fall.
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