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Re: Cutting Back on the Green.. FACK! >.< -
January 13th 2012, 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by sweetman16
It's easy. You're brain is fooling you. You have to think about it that it isn't addictive, and that it isn't bothering you. I smoke alot aswell, and quitting has never worked ( because i always break a long time away from it while drunk -_- ). But anyway's, you're brain is convinced that you're addicted. it's all in your head, just keep thinking you're fine without it and you should get through . Start running, working out sweating alot. It will get the T.H.C out of your system faster. Once it's out of your system, you should be fine and these addictive thoughts should leave you. But marijuana can be in your system up to a month i've heard. But that's probably if you're on the heavyier side, because thc is stored in fatcells. So you can probably get it out in about 1-2 weeks if you workout or run alot or something. And btw STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE SMOKING. That is probably the hardest thing about quiting, watching someone smoke up and get high . It's hard. And don't tell your friends if they're not going to support you. "If they're just like, yeah ok i've heard this one before... ever stoner quits then goes back." I've heard that line many times, and it makes it harder for you. So i don't even tell people, i just stop and leave it be. It is hard for the first few days i know. But you can do it. Goodluck  Oh! and i just read that you smoke to get it off your mind. Well me, i smoke a cigar usually if i'm having a hard time not thinking about it. Doing smoke tricks and shit really helps hahah!
I know its a mental trick, I've made sure I don't depend on it for anything (although I used to). Its just that annoying voice in my head that doesn't shut up sometimes saying 'smoke some weed! You know you want to!' lol
I can't work out right now or sweat excessively cause I just got a tattoo, but that is a good idea! A few days ago I had no weed and went for a walk cause I had nothing else to do, and it made me feel a lot better for sure.
As for my friends, I would say 85-90% smoke weed. But most understand why I've started cutting down and shit, which is good. And yes you are right it stays in your system for a monthish.. I heard there's ways of getting it out quicker but they don't sound fun at all, and who knows if they truly work..
Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it! (:
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take some chances, take the fall
take your time, no need to hurry
have some fun, and never worry ♥"