March 11th 2009, 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jack
In what manner would it get rid of the problem? By banning this game all you would be managing would be to allow one less method of constructively removing dangerous sexual urges. By banning it all you could concievably do would be to make matters worse, as the more liberal the laws regarding pornography the less sex crimes are committed as people have access to materials they find sexually pleasing rather than resorting to going out and doing it themselves.
Violent movies make people less violent, violent video games don't make people more violent so I don't see how this game could make an adult more likely to rape anyone. I'm pretty sure most adults can tell reality from fantasy.
While for some this would be a good sexual outlet it could condition others to believe rape is okay (as I am sure in the game there are no consequences for their actions). Furthermore treating rape like a game is not okay in my opinion because it makes it seem like it is no big deal, it is fun/enjoyable, or even okay to do WHICH IT IS NOT!!! People clam that constant exposure to graphically violent movies, tv, media, and games make people more likely to commit violent acts themselves because of the conditioning that occurs (violence starts to seem okay) could this also occur in this case? As asyoulike it stated I just fear the desensitization to rape this could cause and what that would mean...
Originally Posted by YourNightmare
For you it may help but you are not the general population of people who like the game, so for them, if it helps them or if it's just a fun and cool game, you've taken that away. That makes them pissed off, which then tends to lead to bad results and if gone far enough, riots and protests. Or, those who want to rape go out and do it because they no longer have a simulated version.
Hence, why I say don't like it, don't play it but let others play it.
Your comments thoroughly disgust me. Rape is by no means cool or fun. They can protest all they want this is wrong. You don't stop yourself from changing something just because you think it could make people angry if it is the right thing to do. This is just horribly insensitive to rape victims and just plain sick. I understand that a simulated version of rape could possibly help some people but what if that isn't enough... what if that just triggers them and they want more...
I am done arguing.... i just think this is wrong and some people are treating this insensitively and borderline cruelly