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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game - March 11th 2009, 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by soul View Post
how so... in this case for me at least... it gets rid of the problem (not that i endorse censorship)
In what manner would it get rid of the problem? By banning this game all you would be managing would be to allow one less method of constructively removing dangerous sexual urges. By banning it all you could concievably do would be to make matters worse, as the more liberal the laws regarding pornography the less sex crimes are committed as people have access to materials they find sexually pleasing rather than resorting to going out and doing it themselves.

Violent movies make people less violent, violent video games don't make people more violent so I don't see how this game could make an adult more likely to rape anyone. I'm pretty sure most adults can tell reality from fantasy.