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Re: GUYS: How often do you masturbate? - January 8th 2012, 07:29 PM

To be honest, I am fairly inconsistent when it comes to fapping. I'd like to think I have a fairly high sex drive, and I used to do it a lot, but I have found that the cessation of masturbatory activities has actually influenced my mood, energy level, etc. I realize that's not so much what the thread is about but I figured I'd throw it in there anyways.

I try and go for long periods of time without, but it usually doesn't work out that way.

So, final answer


About once every ~8 or 9 days. I feel like this is pretty atypical for someone at my age with my sex drive, which is why I am so talkative about it.

"Ignore the ramblings of the ignorant, and step on or over their crumpled bodies as you make your way to the top of the mountain. Eat upon their flesh for fuel, and, through your determination and will, banish them to obscurity and a life of complacency and self righteousness that is the hell in which they live"

-Richard Safreed

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