Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 11th 2009, 12:08 AM
thats discusting, for all those who are saying for it asin for it to be sold, how would you like it if it had happened to you, it could be someone playing the game right now that attacks you in the future, or someone you care about
as a few peoples opinions aint gonna change the fact there is a game on here, but at least it should be made with some precautions to make sure under 18 or 21s whatever cannot use it, and when they do get onto it there should be some information like 'this should not be attempted in real life' it probably wont make a difference but you never know, it might.
although one pro for the game is that if people feel the need to go and rape someone then they can do it online instead of in real life.
Michaela Louise my beautiful baby girl RIP I am the type of girl who can watch tonnes of horror movies and ot flinch but scream at the top of my lungs when toast pops out the toaster fall in love or fall in hate get inspired or be depressed ace a test or flunk in class speak the truth or lie and cheat dance on tables or sit in silence make babies or make art life is chaos embrace it forgive yourself breathe ...enjoy the ride