Originally Posted by theawesomeman
What are good presents to get my gf for christmas
Find what her interests are and go from there. And maybe add a nice romantic gesture to it. Maybe a nice poem or note telling her how you feel about her. It may sound cheesy, but more often then not cheesy works wonders.
Originally Posted by Warachia
Would being silent be the best girl repellent?
Do girls hate guys sit away from everyone else(in the back,at a empty table,etc.)?
This one I can easily answer. Really the best girl repellent is being a huge jerk. Not showing them any kind of proper respect or kindness.
And girls don't hate guys who sit away from everyone else. Most girls may not approach a guy that's like that. Only because they will seem harder to approach. But I'm only going by what I've seen and talked to girls about.