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Outside, huh?
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Re: Online dating- questions - December 17th 2011, 03:51 AM

Is it safe? Can I trust her to be who she says she is?
I'm split two different ways with this question. I agree with Shannon with saying a Skype or a Goggle Chat should be done soon. But the other part of me thinks that since she has invited you to her band concert type thing - that she is at least trying. But Since I do work for a local police department going through training, I do have to say that it is not safe, and a online cam session would be best. If after that you think it is ok, then maybe arrange meeting somewhere in PUBLIC or maybe go to another band function. First few times of meeting her (which is bound to happen), I would say stay in public as much as you can just in case.

Is this sort of relationship healthy?Is it socially acceptable?
I know alot of people with similar situations that have met online. I personally believe that it isn't as healthy as a person you lived down the street from, but keep in mind that you only leave 30 minutes away - so I would say that if both of you keep a great effort that it could be healthy. I also think that it is socially acceptable due to ALOT of relationships and friendships starting online - internet is a huge part of relationships now.

I want to meet her and she the same with me. If we have the chance it would be at the mall,bringing one of our friends with us. Is this a smart choice of action?
Yes, the more people you have around the first few times, the better it will go safety wise. I would being a few friends, and have it in a Public area.

Best wishes,

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— Malala Yousafzai