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Name: Traci
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Re: Can long-distance relationships work? - December 14th 2011, 07:51 PM

Yes they can. I began a long distance relationship in August, mine is a bit different than yours considering that we just move to different places, but it is very far, and we're doing alright. It's rough sometimes, but you can do it. There are many people on this site that have long distance relationships, and they do have their special share of problems. Having different countries are especially hard, it's very hard to be able to see each other or even call because of how different the phone systems are. Here are my tips:

1. Try to talk every day. Skype, email, anything you can do. Even if it's a small message like "Hey, I just had cheerios this morning and I know how much you like Cheerios. I miss you." It sounds stupid, but you know what? The stupid things are always the best. I love hearing about what my love is eating.

2. Send each other something to remember you by. Maybe some promise rings or something. My boyfriend gave me his sweater and his water bottle, and every day when I use these things, I feel like we're together again. <3 Something like that really helps. He keeps a Sobé cap that we got the first few months we were together after a very chaotic day and we were on a bus together laughing and we open a Sobe and it said "Love Bus for Life". We kept it, and he takes it with him everywhere.

3. AVOID JEALOUSY. This is one of the biggest issue with long distance relationships. Just because he's not online at the same time he usually is doesn't mean he's cheating. You have to have trust, you chose to have a relationship, trust your judgment, and trust him. Really, in the end, being jealous all the time only hurts you and your relationship. If he cheats, being jealous never helped anything.

4. Enjoy the perks of a long distance relationship. No obnoxious fights all of the time, you get more time to develop your own person, and every time you see each other is like falling in love again, every visit counts, everything you do together is that much more special.

If you need any more advice, let me know! Here's another fabulous article if you need any more advice!

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