Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Period question. >.<
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Stargazed. Offline
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Period question. >.< - December 13th 2011, 03:27 AM

I never thought I'd be posting in this forum because I've always been too embarrassed about this topic but I have a legit question.

For the past two or so months, my periods have been only one day and very, very light. And I haven't even gotten it this month. My cycle has never been affected by stress and I'm not even that stressed out. In fact, I'm pretty calm. I took a pregnancy test the first time I got it for a day because I was scared it was implantation bleeding or something. But it came out negative. I also have no signs of pregnancy so I know it can't be pregnancy.

So my question is, besides stress and pregnancy- since it's neither, what can cause periods to be so wacky like this? I mean I wouldn't care if it was like one month but for it to be two, almost three, months... it's really starting to worry me.

Any ideas, or should I just take myself to the doctor?