Re: I started cutting -
December 12th 2011, 03:59 AM
I really think you should talk to someone who can get you help about this.
I've sort of been were you are, the part about just not being able to express what you're feeling any other way then cutting. I started cutting when I was nine and I'd kept at it until a little over a year ago, but believe me, doing this will make you feel better in the short term, but in the long run, you're hurting and nothings being done about it.
If you keep at this it could become a strong addiction. For some people cutting can be a worse addiction than any drug.
The sooner you try and stop the easier it will be, it wont just be like:
Oh I feel so much better I can put the razor down and go on with my life!
It would be more of just one step at a time, doing things to take your mind off it.
The thing most people who cut dont understand, and I didn't either, is feeling this way happens to everyone. No matter who you are or what's happened in your life, you're going to start feeling depressed or numb, I mean sure there's some people who cant even get out of bed in the morning and there's some people who have it worse than others, but you're not alone in this.
There's so many other people going through the same thing as you.
This may not help you but it helps me and a lot of other people its called the Butterfly Project.
You basically draw a butterfly with four wings on your wrist or leg or where ever you normally cut with sharpie or pen, and you put someone you care about's initials in the wings and a heart in the one left over. You cant scrub it off and you dont try and remove it, you let it fade naturally and if you cut anywhere you kill the butterfly. For some reason it helps, I know it sounds weird but if you actually name the butterfly it kinda makes you not want to hurt it.
I dont know if this helped at all, but I know what will help is getting real help.
So if you dont do it for anyone else, do it for yourself.