Atheist Pagan
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Re: Pregnant. -
December 9th 2011, 05:04 PM
Hey, Zaraa.
First off, I just want to say, I understand how emotional this can all be, so I'm glad you have a support system, even if they don't know yet.
You should seriously think about telling your parents, your boyfriend and his parents. Your boyfriend definitely needs to know about this, as his life just radically changed, too. And if you're both 15, a lot of decisions are going to need to be made, and the adults in your life can really help you. It might be a scary thought, but they're going to find out sooner or later. It's better to be completely honest.
If you think it could help, consider telling an aunt, uncle or grandparent first, they might be able to help break the news to your parents if you're worried.
However, I do think starting with your best friend is a good idea, especially if she knows something is up. I would recommend going over to her house, or inviting her over to yours, make sure you have complete privacy, and just tell her. She's probably going to have a ton of questions (and maybe freak out a little), so just stay calm and just talk it out. Answer he questions and let her know you're really going to need her support. Hopefully, she'll be an awesome best friend and help you through all of this.
Hope everything goes well!