Thread: Female Advice Preferred: period very late :(
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Harmony♥ Offline
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Re: period very late :( - December 6th 2011, 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Chasers View Post
Hey there!

Well first off, periods arent supposed to be regular, long story.

BUT if you are stressed, then it will be late or you won't even have one, but don't worry. Many women have irregular periods and its just how their body works, no reason to really fret. Just don't stress and focus on the things that are stressing you out so you can calm down.

If you have any other questions, just ask

Actually, periods are meant to be regular. Some people don't have the luxury of having them regulated without the help of birth control, while others get theirs the same time every month. Just sayin'.

Anyway, stress plays a huge factor here. Since you've found yourself more stressed than usual, this is definitely a cause for why your period hasn't come. Stress, changes in diet, and obviously pregnancy would be major causes for why your period is late. The best thing to do right now is to relax, and not stress too much. If your period hasn't come by Friday, it might be worth seeing your doctor about it to make sure there isn't some other problem causing you to miss your period.

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