December 2nd 2011, 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Maloo
Relationships are not the place for mind games. Quite frankly, the "you did it to me, so I'll do it to you" mindset is horribly immature.
Of course they are. Everything in life is a kind of mind game and relationships are no exception. We cannot ever be someone else and change someone else, but with mind games we can at least change the way they look at some things.
"You did it to me, so I'll do it to you" mindset is horribly immature'' - true. IF revenge is the only purpose of it. But what if there is a more important goal which you want to achieve with it?
I won't have to do it anyways, I think we solved the problem.
Originally Posted by Astha Srivastav
she would feel that and it'll hurt, that's a surety... maybe it'll help but then it wouldn't change the fact that she's attracted to other males... that doesn't go away... you'll hurt her as well as yourself when you see her pain... and there's the possibility that she might stop telling you all this... you yourself said that you don't want her to hide stuff cause then you'd feel that she's being unfaithful or something.... umm... I gotta go sleep... got school tomorrow and have to wake up at 6:30 (groan) bye ttyl tc gn sd  sleep tight... will talk tomorrow 
Thanks for answering. We went a bit off topic with all this talking about getting back at her. My point, even if it did happen, would not be to hurt her, just to make her feel what I feel for a moment, and then tell her that was something I intentionally did to make her realise what she's been doing to me. Because honestly I don't find anyone besides her really attractive - sometimes I see someone hot, but that's it - I see them and never think about them afterwards. But it won't happen anyway, I'm sure.