Originally Posted by Maeve
I don't stop noticing or appreciating attractive people just because I happen to be dating, nor am I to be held responsible for my dreams.
I think you are overreacting and should just be glad she's so honest with you.
Would you rather she feel exactly the same way (finding others attractive, having dreams) but instead not tell you?
That is exactly what I said in my post. But after that I also said that this is what my logic tells me. Still, emotions are quiet different from my logic.
Also those are not just some random attractive people - those are my friends. For example, if she said she found Brad Pitt attractive, I would just let it go and not spend a moment thinking about it - simply because it is impossible idea. But I think this is different. We see these people often, and I am not comfortable at all that she finds any of them attractive - she should simply not look at them that way, just as I don't look at her girlfriends.
To tell you the truth, I would honestly best feel if she had never told me anything. Again that's what my emotions say. My logic says it's great she is so honest with me.