A Man Of My Word
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Re: addiction to what exactly?:/ -
November 28th 2011, 06:16 PM
Cole, this post is in no way met to be offensive but I will not hold back the truth in any respect because without a doubt you have a really big problem here that seems to be headed down hill very quickly. Just so you know I struggled with the same thing in terms of not being sober everyday.
Off the bat I’m going to say see a doctor because that’s your best bet to sober up. At some point you have to stop, your body will either give-in before your mind or vice versa. What instantly triggered an emotional response from me was the fact you’ve taken meth – this is a drastic life changer in a very bad way. What I really respect about you is that you’ve admitted to having a problem and for some that’s a big issue. Upon reading this I really wish you’d see a doctor, today because tomorrow may be too late.
Below is a rather long documentary about meth and the affects its had on peoples lives, this paints a really scary picture and I want to warn you before viewing that its not PG-13. I don’t want put any stress or pressure on you because that could be the main key to your drug habit. Look around at your everyday life and see what has to change to make you a better healthier person. I’d start with your friends and peers, the people that associate you with the drug and instantly break contact whether you do it politely or rude & bold so they never talk to you again.
Secondly flush any drugs you have down the toilet, regardless of how much money its costs you. Don’t sit there and think it’s going to waste, because then you’ve got the wrong mind set. That garbage belongs in the sewage plant not in your veins. These two steps will put you on the right track. If you can’t do it yourself get your parents to do it for you not a friend. Friends can be the devil and your absolute demise. At this point you need a caring loved one to help you through this situation.
In the unlikely event that your parents or family members don’t know what you're into its about time you man up and tell them, take responsibility for your actions and look them in the face and let them know you've really messed up. No ones perfect sometimes you just need a slap of reality to get you back on track. After its all said and done you’ll be stronger person for it. That’s bold but true and unlike your friends I’ll tell it to you as it is, without all the candy coating. Don’t think for a second I’m looking down at you because that is not the case, I’ve been there and I’m simply trying to give you what I think is a jump start in the right direction.
You know as well as I do these drugs will corrupt your mind into reasoning with something that’s not true, in order to make it temporarily okay in your mind to use again. You need to be the judge of your own fait here. I’d almost suggest putting your life on hold and live within your parents sight until you clean again. After a few days your mind will start playing some nasty tricks on you and you'll need your parents support more so then ever.
Life is full of ups and downs when you get through this you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come and enjoy reality. Once again please don’t take this offensively because I really do want all the best for you. Drugs have been a nightmare for me and its hard to help people without standing beside them. If you ever need anything or want someone to talk to just message me!
National Geographic: World's Most Dangerous Drug Part 1/6
Please act fast to quit.
Last edited by Ryan1; November 28th 2011 at 06:46 PM.