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Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying - November 22nd 2011, 02:16 AM

Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master View Post

The article said she told her mother who listened and the next day the girl killed herself, so it's obvious to me her mother was an alternate option that could have helped. However, pretending the mother didn't help, since when is ending your life the "best option"? Your reasoning glamorizes suicide because you view nothing wrong with it. If a person kill themselves over schoolyard bullying. That's a sign of ultimate weakness and cowardice. The selfishness is obvious because instead of trying to use the family for help (which the girl did and was successful at), they kill themselves, which to me waves off the family as though they're not even there, followed by potential whining that nobody was there for them. I'm sorry but if one contemplates suicide at that young of an age, I question how they'll manage through the hardships of life.

Again though, my sympathies go out to the family, it's got to be hard dealing with the aftermath of their suicidal child. Some families would view suicide as bringing shame onto the family name, so families have to cope with that also.
What I was saying, was that even though her mother was going to help her and hopefully make things better, 10 year olds usually don't look at the long term effects. She talked to her mother one day, and then the next day she had to go to school again before her mom had done anything to fix it. When she got home from school that day upset again, being an illogical 10 year old, her first thought isn't going to be "things will be better in a few days when my mom fixes it", her first thoughts were probably "things are so bad right now, I can't take it any more". I'm just trying to think how I thought at her age, and I didn't think very logically or rationally.

And I don't know if you were talking to me or to the other person you quoted when you said that I/they were "glamorizing suicide", but I absolutely wasn't. I said that it is wrong no matter what the situation or age is, but just that I can imagine what may have been going through her head.