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Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying - November 20th 2011, 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master View Post
If 10 years olds don't think like that, then why did you think like that at 10 years old?
Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master View Post
But you just said you could comprehend it... .
I mean to say that I understood it from a shallow point of view, e.g, if I kill myself my mother will be sad. My thought process was 'If I die it'll show them!'

When I look at this story I think about how the mother must feel. To lose a child must be one of the hardest things a person can go through. You'd never be the same person. It would be in your mind everyday. To know that your child killed themselves would likely be even worse because it would make you feel so horrible and so absolutely inadequate.

In my mind it was instantaneous. I thought about the short term affects. I thought about how my mum would react if she saw my body and thought she'd think, 'Oh God! If only I'd done X or hadn't done Y!'

I certainly didn't think about it to the extent of ruining someone's life or inflicting that much permanent, heart wrenching pain on someone.

I tried to commit suicide a few times from the ages of 14-16. I realise when someone says a 'few times' it begins to sound like BS (not so much lying but that I didn't *really* want to go through with it). I guess that's true to a certain extent but I'd say there were definitely a couple of times when I was totally commited, like the toaster in the bath incident or the two times I winded up in hospital for ODing on Valium. This may all sound irrelevent but my point is this: I understood the gravity of the situation then. I understood what I was doing to my family and what I would have done if I'd died. It just wasn't a priority for me... I didn't really care all that much. Was I being selfish? Absolutely. But my point is that as you get older these things become clearer in your mind. At 10 you're too young to FULLY comprehend what something as heavey as suicide will mean. Most 10 year olds don't even think about suicide and if they do there is obviously something off there.

Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master View Post
All people regardless of age are illogical and irrational to varying degrees. A 10 year old can intentionally kick you in the leg in order to hurt you and supposing they succeed, you wouldn't react? It's not a terribly complex thought, even as simple as, "kick girl's leg, girl say ouch, I say yay". Granted I'm not going to react violently to a 10 year old kicking my leg, unless it's a 6 ft 3 freakishly strong and violent 10 year old but they don't make them like that very often.
I would react obviously. What I meant is that it wouldn't be like 'Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing asshole!' it would just be 'Hey! That's not very nice. Where is your mother??'

If someone my age came up and violently kicked me I'd understand that it's different to a child doing it because children are just children. Saying that people are illogical and irrational at all ages is kind of a cop out if you ask me because you can't tell me you think 30 year olds or 20 year olds or even 15 year olds have the same mental capacity and ability of understanding as 10 year olds (IN GENERAL).

Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master View Post
So you don't think the 10 year old was a coward for backing out of life over schoolyard bullying?
Of course not. We don't expect our ten year olds to be strong. Cowardice is not something we usually apply to children, and if we're going with your argument of judging everyone the same regardless of age then all ten year olds are basically cowards.

Originally Posted by Cosmo View Post
If a 10 year old can't work out that by hanging yourself you will die, then that 10 year old has the intelligence of a frog.
I think you're missing the point.

To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget

~Arundhati Roy