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Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying - November 19th 2011, 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master View Post
I have sympathy for the family but not for the girl because that's like saying I have sympathy for someone who is blinded by selfishness and doesn't give a crap about their family.
She was only 10... I think that's a bit harsh. I'm usually on the edge about these long and tedious debates people get into when people posts threads about teens commiting sucide, but I think saying that a 10 year old who commited suicide was selfish and didn't give a crap about her family is a bit OTT.

As for the actual story, of course, it is incredibly sad, but I have a problem with these stories in general being labeled as 'due to bullying'. Normal 10 year olds don't have thoughts about killing themselves, much less go through with it. Obviously there was more going on (and by that I mean mentally). I don't think it's fair to pin the death of a child on other children. Yes, bullying is bad, and the kids who did it are more than likely little brats... but are they evil monsters who causeD a ten year old's death? No. It's unfair to say otherwise.

What strikes me more about this story is that there was a 10 year old going through those kind of problems (depression, suicidal thoughts etc) and nobody noticed. Not that a bunch of little shit heads were being cruel to a classmate.

Also unless you've got the information from somewhere else I don't know why this says LGBT bullying. I find it intereresting that people automatically assume that if a person kills themselves due to bullying, it was because they were gay. Because we all know gay bullying is worse than any other kind of bullying.

Originally Posted by Gymnophoria View Post
Edit: "We haven't uncovered anything so severe that would result in someone taking their life." They have NO idea how it felt to that little girl. No idea at all.
Not to be rude but neither do you. Nobody does.

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