Re: Would you date (or are you dating) someone you've never met in person? -
November 16th 2011, 05:30 PM
I think that dating through a long distance relationship is sheer craziness, and when you're dating someone you've not even met! that's like the cherry on the top...
i disagree because i've myself dated one such guy and we were separated via a thousand miles...I'd never met him..!!
and he cheated on me like hell...i never knew what he was such a case you only have the word of mouth to trust, but that can be easily cheated i would strongly the end result would just be a broken heart!

Come back to me now, don't leave me all alone,
You just don't know how much I need you.
Baby, I'd give up anything just to have you,
My existence is just so vague without you...
So, I fold my hands in an open prayer,
God! Just put an end to my despair.
This is my song in the rain,
Come back to me now and put an end to my pain...