Originally Posted by SquidPid
The teachers didn't stop the bullying did they, And actually the article is focusing on the word gay as the sexuality, not any other meaning of gay.
The article can focus on the sexuality definition all the author wants, however, it's a narrow mindset. The sexual orientation groups also have a narrow mindset by presuming the teacher intended to use that definition. Have you read the rest of the article where the students say the teachers have not been adequately trained in a way to handle the bullying and the teachers agreed with this statement? The teachers wanted to help, they tried but didn't know what to do, so instead of acknowledging there may be a systemic problem, you'd rather sit back and tell the teacher to act in a better way that they are somehow supposed to know.
Originally Posted by SquidPid
I'm not saying bullying does not happens, What I am saying is that teachers need to act in a way that is not likely to get this sort of media attention and deal with bullying in a fair and equal manner and to me saying 'Act less gay' To a bullied student is not a fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying.
You've made your point the teacher was at fault (whether or not I agree) so now comes the interesting part. What is a "fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying"? Such a solution is too ambiguous, vague and overall meaningless to be of any use unless you explain it without these buzz-words.
Suppose you were the teacher: Little Johnny came up to you pouting because Big Donald was bullying him for the 50th time and Little Johnny is getting very frustrated as other solutions such as, "tell a teacher" haven't worked. If you want to act in a fair and equal manner, how would you realistically deal with it and help Little Johnny? I'm not a teacher nor would I ever want to be one and I'll admit acting in a fair and equal manner will do fuck all, I'm sure any teacher would realize this but they cant employ a more guaranteed solution that's unfair and unequal to the bully because people start whining. And yes, I am hoping you'll give an actual answer of what you would do, the question isn't meant to stimulate thinking in your head and not post it.