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Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay' -
November 7th 2011, 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by SquidPid
The teachers didn't stop the bullying did they, And actually the article is focusing on the word gay as the sexuality, not any other meaning of gay. Forget standard. Society to me means - Accepting people for who they are and how they dress. Everyone is unique and why should people have to dress and act a certain way to avoid being bullied ? Because society is a moron - society judges people on how they look. Should we be judged on how we look ? No we should not be we are, and sadly usually this amounts to bullying in school.
Would you bully a school kid who lets say has a learning disability for the way they act ? if the answer to that is a yes, then wow you really need to go look at your life . Is the same with this article, people act a certain way because that is who they are. Why should everyone act the same and look the same and behave the same way ? Surely if that was how society was supposed to be we would all be clones ? Each person is unique and without everyone being different the world would be a very dully and boring place would it not ?
You're missing the point over and over it seems, and I'm running out of ways to put it in different words.
Bullying will always happen. I might not do it, you might not, but someone else might, and there will always be people like that. There is nothing you can do about it realistically, unless you support the idea of a police state. So... we can come up with "punishments" for bullies, at school, and at work, to try and give people more freedom to "be who the want to be" (NOTE: not necessarily who they actually are), but there's only so far a society can go to enforce something like that before it becomes pathological. You just have to accept that there are assholes like that out there, and deal with it in your own way.
An end to bullying will never happen in a balanced society. Just like you said, people are different, and people will 'attack' each other over their differences, some more than others. It's just what it is. Same way that ice is cold and rain is wet. Same way that vacuums are empty, they just are. It's in our nature to be like this, and ultimately you could even argue that bullying is a form of expression in itself, almost in the same way that dressing up as the opposite sex is, with the only difference being that it is pro-actively harmful to others. But like I said, it is what it is, and the most effective way for any individual to fight it, is to adapt to the situation, and by adapt I mean blend in. If you can't take the criticism, or stand your ground and fight, then rationally, what other choice do you have that doesn't depend on other people to 'punish' the bullies?
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.
Last edited by NonIndigenous; November 7th 2011 at 04:47 PM.