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Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay' -
November 4th 2011, 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by SquidPid
I will say it agian, Everyone is different, so by that logic everyone is going to get picked on because nobody is the same as somebody else, everybody is unique. The article is not about differences or anything of the sort, it is about students being bullied and teachers making homophobic comments, and teachers not stopping bullying.
Some people are more different than others. Sometimes it's because they can't help it, like being born with a disability, sometimes it's because they're thoughtlessly just being different, sometimes it is even done out of pure arrogance and on purpose. I'll say it again too, that if you can help yourself, and try to blend in more if you can, you're probably less likely to get bullied.
I'm not pointing fingers saying people deserve to get bullied for any of those reasons, because they don't.
And the teacher's comments were not homophobic. They were stupid and immature, but not homophobic. And honestly about the teachers "not doing anything to stop bullying"... we only have a very brief 'snapshot' of what's going on in that school. The comment the teacher made in no way represents the entire school, or even the teacher's action, or inaction. It's a piece of advice given to students.
You can only judge the teacher's action or inaction based on an example of how they handle bullying on a case to case basis. As far as we know there might not even be any bullying going on in that school at all, it's very unlikely, but nonetheless, it's stupid to jump to conclusions.
Originally Posted by thebigmole
I don't see the comments as homophobic. They aren't telling them to stop being gay. They aren't telling them that they deserve what they are getting because they are gay. All they are saying is that if they want to counteract some of the bullying they probably shouldn't act so flamboyant. Which honestly isn't horrible advice. There is no reason for a child in middle school or even high school to be acting over the top flamboyant. Honestly I have never understood that personality trait, I mean most girls don't even act that way. Personally I don't care what anyone's sexuality is and I think that if someone feels that they need to have a personality that screams their sexuality then they have issues. That doesn't mean that they deserve to be bullied, but honestly if the solution to stop the bullying is as simple as changing the way you act about certain people, what's the big deal?
Very well said. I posted mine only a few seconds after yours I think. I get annoyed at people who act stupid, loud, exaggerate everything, drama queen and all that crap. I might snap sometimes if I'm in a particularly bad mood, and am trying to sleep and outside my window I can hear a whole load of noise. It has nothing to do with being gay, but being an idiot. I won't bully them... no, not unless someone particularly makes a consistent effort to irritate me, but just generally I'm not the type to bully. I'll have a one-off reaction and usually that's it.
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.
Last edited by NonIndigenous; November 4th 2011 at 09:33 PM.