Re: I'm pregnant, & im to blame for this, right? -
October 31st 2011, 07:27 PM
So he finally came to school today!! At the beginning before he headed to his first class he kinda looked at me like wtf are you talking to me, and then after our 2nd class i caught him just in time before he left walking to a car so we were talking and i asked him point blank wether or not he wanted to be there for the child, because if he said no i wouldn
t have begged i would have walked away & truely been through with him, but he said he had no choice he didn't want to see like a dead-beat father, and i also asked him did he want to come with me to the next appt to see the sex of the baby and see the ultrasound, he said yeah if he were able to. Now im not sure if he can come because my mother is mad at his parents so she told me not talk to him, but im not gonna deny him rights to his child just because his parents want to be a-holes right???? So i need him to call my mother and apologize and talk to her because my next appt is really early this time and she has to take me and we have school in the morning that day. As i was talking to him he cut me off saying he had to go and got in the car with a friend that i didn't even want to see who it was. But im not gonna trip imma just give him some time...anything else i should do though??