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Re: so am I still apart of lgbt even though? - October 27th 2011, 08:30 PM

Most groups that activity include trans people (this is relevent, as many LGBT groups may as well just call themselves LG or maybe LGB groups. Its sad, but it's getting better), well accept intersexed people within that community. Infact, there are places that are now adding the I into their acronym. Like the University of the Toronto's student queer group from example.

As the trans community grows, it's also spread to include under the 'trans' title a lot of gender identity issues, not just transexualism. Things like 'genderqueer', 'bi-gender' and stuff, where people may feel like both, or neither, or a mix, etc. So even without explicit acknowledgement of intersexuals, you could be included under the more liberal definitions of trans, as its tends to include those who don't feel they fit the traditional definitions of man or woman. So even if you do see yourself as a woman, it does sound as though you still feel different. But it'd depend on how you feel about that.

There is some controversy on this issue from the other side as well. Some intersex people and groups really don't want to be part of the LGBT community, because they don't feel a connection. So again, it's a very indivudal thing.

In summary:

It depends which LGBT communities you are looking it. The more liberal or progressive ones will tend to accept intersex, more traditional ones may do less often. Sometimes it is the intersex community seperating themselves from the LGBT community. There is no single answer.

At the same time, in my experience, a lot of groups will accept anyone who wants to be included, and often won't even ask you which you are identifying as. So I think it more depends on how you feel than anything else.

I may have either go on too much, or missed the point, but I hoped this helped somewhat.

Physical doesn't matter ... You can be physically female, and identify as a male. Or be male and identify as female. Physicality has nothing to do with who you're attracted to. That being said, what gender do you identify with, and who are you attracted too? If you identify as female and like males, then no, you are not apart of the LGBT Community.
The body is not entirely seperate from the mind, if one feel out of place with the sex of their body, thats often a gender issue. Even if one did not include intersexuality in this, you need to brush up on your trans issues. Because trans issues are generally related to a not feeling your gender and body match up quite right. Though not always.

As for your last sentence, would you say a straight transwoman, so a male to female, who identifies as a woman, who likes men, is not part of the LGBT community because she identifies as a woman who likes men?

Or have you just poorly explained your point?

EDIT: or did I misunderstand what you were saying. Apparently I can jump the gun sometimes.

Last edited by DeletedAccount84; October 27th 2011 at 08:57 PM.