I don't truly identify as it?
well I've always liked guys. Masculinity attracts me for some reason it does. I've never had sex but have been sexually active enough to knowthats what I like. I always thought this made me gay but I never actually felt it was. I felt like they were the other sex and this was just normal. Well anyway I'm 15 physically things were different with puberty. I didn't grow like the average boy does and one thing lead to another and my dr. Well a specialist diagnosed me with klinefelter's syndrome. So I have an intersex condition and my body isn't either sex. I was wondering like are people who are intersex included? Where is the line drawn between people with intersex conditions and transsexuality? I mean somehow I still sorta feel I'm
lgbt but I'm also in my eyes a girl who's attracted to men. And my body isn't much different from that description. So is inaccurate or not to identify with
lgbt people more than not? Perhaps because of my upbringing?