Outside, huh? **********
Name: Janos
Age: 35
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Location: Dundee, Scotland
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Join Date: January 6th 2009
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 15th 2011, 02:32 PM
Lol @ the spider. It looks like an orb-weaver of some kind...though that's only a rough, educated guess at most >.>. Depends on the shape of it's web amongst other things.
I also realise you must have a decent camera to get such a shot of it xD. That or it's a LOT bigger than I thought >.>.
Here's a pic of my juvenile milksnake, Harley, outgrowing his favourite toilet roll tube and not realising:
Apologies for the awful quality, it was taken on my phone (and this is post-colour-touch-up-via-Photoshop).
And since I don't think I've posted about her much, here's a few old ones of my one-eyed chubby frog/Asian painted frog, Nutmeg. I took these pictures during a tank cleaning, just since it's really hard to get a clear picture of her inside the tank since she's very much camoflaged and likes to stay buried with just her head sticking out.

That's just some of the earth from her enclosure she's covered in btw =P

This is her inflating due to me accidentally casting a shadow over her whilst taking this picture (she hates that >.> )

You can see her one-eyed-ness quite clearly here. Her right eye is sealed over after it had to get taken out due to it getting infected.
"My one desire is for peace -- peace for everyone"