Thread: Period Venting
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Solivagant Offline
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Period Venting - October 13th 2011, 05:27 PM

Before I start, I am not a negative person okay!

I am yet to meet a person who doesn't hate it. Just that I love to rant about it. Whatever did guys do to escape this?

I just hate this one week of every month. Whats not to hate? I hate the bloody cramps. Who needs so much of pain. I hate how I suddenly start feeling heavy and loose my appetite. I don't even eat my favourite junk food! d:
I become more lazy than I already am (Yeah that's possible ). I stop moving and when I do, my face twists into this weird expression of discomfort. I constantly have this urge to puke.
The whole day in school passes in worrying about staining the uniform which happens to be WHITE in the summer thus for lets say 75% of the year. I can't sleep at night, its that uncomfortable.
Now seriously, what the heck did the guys do to escape THIS?

Anyone else out there who would want to vent?

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