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Re: Post pictures of your pets! - October 1st 2011, 02:23 PM

My cats died between 2005 and 2007. These pictures were taken about a decade before their passing on, with old-school cameras. Yeah, pre-digital cameras, so these all were scanned. Sorry for the crappy quality.

Misty, she was my mom's. She went to sleep in my parents' room one night in 2005 and never woke up. She was 14.

Marble, she was mine. She lived until 2007, she'd gotten out of the house (they were all house cats) a few months before we moved down the Cape and returned with fleas and stratches. She survived, but slowed down tremendously. She had to be put down after we moved. She was 17.

Flip, best known as Sly (short for Sylvester. Like Sylvester and Tweety Bird? ), he was my sister's but my absolute favorite. ♥ He was such a devil in his prime. But then he swelled up and became diagnosed with diabetes. Still back in Framingham, we were visiting family on the South Shore when we got news from the cat sitters about his being really sick. Mom took him to Newton-Wellesley, and he never came home.

Ughhh, sorry for the depressing post. But I wanted to put in the three cats I had from childhood through adulthood. I saw a lot of adorable little kitten, and it made me want a kitteh again. But I'm not allowed to have pets here.