Re: Eating Disorder?? Help! -
August 28th 2011, 08:34 PM
Hey there,
Sorry for the late reply. I've been super busy lately, but I've definitely been thinking of ya and what I could say!
First of all, I think you've got an eating issue. I would definitely consider seeing a doctor, and this can progress to be a more serious issue, resulting in mass amounts of health problems. You already have health problems from this, as you mentioned it in your post. When thing start affecting your health, it's about time you fix it, or change what's been causing your health to fail. It's like an infection. You have to treat it for it to go away, otherwise it just grows bigger and bigger, and pretty soon you're on your death bed. Not trying to scare you, just trying to let you know how fatal eating disorders can be. And also how they need to be taken seriously.
The reason why you're not losing weight is because well, starving yourself doesn't work. What tends to happen is if you don't eat, your body may think you're starving, and stores anything you digest as fat. And if you don't eat anything at all, your body again, thinks it's starving and will eat away at your muscle. Not even eating away a fat. There is nothing for you to gain by you not eating. You are a lot better off eating healthy, watching your portions, and exercising. You've got more to gain from doing this. You'll lose weight the healthy weight, gain some muscle, and feel loads better health wise. It's all around a better idea to go the healthy route.
Lastly, I really feel as though you'd benefit from talking to people about this. I know you talk to the deputy principle, and that's a good thing. Talking to people can really make you feel better. If you hold everything inside of you, then what you're going through is only going to get worse. Is it possible for you to talk to your parents about this? They can get you into counseling. I was afraid to tell my mom, but when I did, she was so supportive. I didn't think she was going to be. Parents can surprise you sometimes. They can get you the best help, and put you on a road towards recovery. They're your parents, and you would do right by bringing them into this, as they love you and want the best for you.
I hope this helped a little!