Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 25th 2011, 05:46 PM
Hey there,
Let me tell you first that I understand totally what it's like to be picked on over your size or weight. People are cruel about things like this, and unfortunately you can't change everyones opinion and show them that we're still human beings with feelings, even if we're not skinny like them. I understand how much it can knock your confidence and hurt your feelings when people are making these kinds of comments, but one of these days you'll have to find the strength to just not care what people think of how you look. I mean, obviously there will always be things that upset you, but you can't please everyone, and you never will. Living to please the world will only make you unhappy, and nobody wants that. You could lose loads of weight, and people may still make comments. Some people aren't very nice.
It's great that you want to get healthier though and I am proud of you for deciding that you're going to do this. The one thing with weight loss is that it probably is very easy to get back into old habits and gain it all back, especially when you go through something traumatic. A lot of people turn to comfort eating, or just don't have the energy or motivation to carry on exercising when they don't feel up to it. You'll experience times where you're not going to do as much as you could do in order to keep up your routines and stay fit. We all have these times. There's nothing stopping you from getting back into it though. Nothing that is except you. Motivation is hard to work up at times, especially when you it's something like exercise and you know it will tire you out. But the simple way to over come that is to it. No matter how much you don't feel like it, if you know it's something you want to do, go out there and do it. Nobody else is stopping you. Perhaps plan out what time you're going to do it in order to actually prepare yourself for the things you'll do.
Keep your chin up though. Don't let the comments get you down, you have every right to feel good about yourself despite how much you weigh.
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