Thread: lonely
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Mandi Offline
Tired of Living Scared of Dyin
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lonely - August 16th 2011, 06:43 AM

Lately I just been feeling lonely and depressed. I do not no what to do. I do not want to feel this way. I just want to be happy again. I feel like I have nothing to look foward to in life and just kinda want to end it but I know I wont. I do not want to see a therapist but I have no one to talk about my feelings, my boyfriend gets angry and takes everything so personal when I talk to him and my friends would just make fun of me. I feel like I want to wipe the slate clean and start over. My depression is geting worse again and Im starting to think about cutting again. I do not now how to stop this. I feel anxious at times. I do not want to be on medication but I need to find ways on how to lift my mood and my anxiety. I no people care about me but they are not the right ones to discuss this with. I just feel so alone and want to be able to talk to someone but Im so shy and cannot find the right person to talk to.

"How can you understand me when I can't understand myself?"

"If you forget all else remember just this, there are people who love you and want you happy... without you their life would be empty"