Mother of Dragons
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Re: why is cutting bad? -
August 10th 2011, 05:15 PM
Hi Dionna 
It's a brave thing to do, to ask for help. You've taken the first step by just posting this thread. So well done honey!
I understand that it is hard to tell anyone, especially parents that you're struggling. I can sympathize with you on that, but I've been there and plucked up the courage to talk about my problems. It was the best thing I ever did.
The longer you leave it the worse it gets dear. So the sooner you get help and are on the road to recovery, the better! It wont be easy, but you have it in you
You can always book an appointment at the doctors and see what they say before you tell your parents.
Self Harming might be helping you in the short term, but eventually you'll want to go deeper and deeper and then one day you might go too deep, which none of us want to happen to you 
Try some alternatives to hurting yourself. Good luck with it dear.
As for feeling suicidal, you CAN do this. There's no need to kill yourself... just think of all the amazing things in life which you wont get to experience or see.
If you ever need anything, you can come and talk to me. Just PM me!
Hold on to hope sweetheart.
Stay safe
Keep strong
- Charli <3