Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Getting Eaten Out... :/
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belle.darcy Offline
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Re: Getting Eaten Out... :/ - August 10th 2011, 11:23 AM

As Superstar already wrote, not everybody's first time was good. Mine was pretty bad as well. Now and then, up to this day, a guy comes who doesn't know a thing about oral sex but he tries so hard that my heart breaks and I can't stop him. At least for a minute or two.
What I mean to say is, you may not like your first oral sex. It may be too moist or too hard. Whatever happens, try to communicate to your boy what you do and do not like. You can stroke his hair to show him he's doing great, or push gently his head back to indicate that he's doing it too rough for you. He needs your guidance, no matter how experienced he is, because every girl is different. I've seen how a man I know gives oral to his girlfriend (and she loves it) and, believe me, when he did the same to me, it hurt so much!
Basically, yes, it will be strange, new, most certainly not the best thing you've ever experienced. Give it time and patience and you'll grow to love it