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forfrosne Offline
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Name: Matthew
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Re: What I'm reading now. - August 8th 2011, 05:38 PM

My dad just got a Kindle but doesn't much like it, so it's basically mine now haha.

I've actually been reading the three Assassins Creed novels. I want to know more of the back story and details of the AC universe, and i was surprised at how good the novels actually are. He does tend to gloss over important events and but I don't think that's a huge issue as they're always events you can actually play and understand in the official games, thankfully he spends a lot of time detailing the parts you can't play in the books. Have to say I'm really impressed with them, and I also feel like a total bro knowing everything there is to know about Assassins Creed xD Eg. Altaïr was born on 11th January 1165 to a Christian mother and a Muslim father, Umar, who sacrificed his life in return for a captive of the Crusaders. I am so cool xD